It happens to all of us

One of my favorite authors, Chuck Windig, has a blog where he occasionally imagines an absurd situation and then pretends that it’s normal by adding the phrase, “Hey, it happens to all of us.” I decided to make a Mad Libs game out of it, for the sake of humor and as a writing exercise. Hey, it happens to all of us.

The last thing you remember last night is doing shots of espresso out of your landlord’s belly button. Then you woke up with an entire box worth of coco pebbles in your bed. Hey, it happens to all of us.

The last thing you remember last night is doing 100mph on the interstate, drinking a sourcream ricemilk protein shake. Then you woke up with a gold metal in cat petting. Hey, it happens to all of us.

The last thing you remember last night is playing Jenga with bricks of cocaine. Then you woke up tarred and feathered in Jamaica. Hey, it happens to all of us.

The last thing you remember last night is streaking in Alaska. Then you woke up fully clothed in a bear’s den. Hey, it happens to all of us.

The last thing you remember last night is reading in bed. Then you woke up with 10 strangers in your bed. Hey, it happens to all of us.

What do you think? Right? Wrong? Pure poppycock?