What if we worked as hard as med students?

I’ve noticed how knowledgeable doctors are. How did they get that way? They study their butts off in med school. They work insanely hard for 8 years. Once they’re done, they have a high paying job waiting for them.
Why don’t most people see results like that?
3 reasons:

  • Most people aren’t willing to put in the work.
  • They don’t want the results bad enough.
  • They don’t invest in themselves.

Most people aren’t willing to put in the work
How many hours do you put into your job? Do you just put in your 8 hours and clock out? Do you go home and watch Netflix? For med students, work is life. They live it, morning, noon, and night, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, eat, sleep, and repeat. Can you say the same about your job? Garbage in, garbage out. If you want extraordinary results, you have to put in extraordinary effort. Otherwise, you’ll just be average, like everybody else.

They don’t want the results bad enough
If it was easy, everybody would do it. Walls are put up to separate those that actually want it from those that just kinda want it. The incentive for most people to put in 12 hours a day for 8 years straight is small, and the incentive to watch 3 hours of Netflix a day for 8 years straight is high. Some of the problem is a matter of salary. Some of the problem is due to the top quality content on Netflix.

They don’t invest in themselves
How much would you be willing to spend on a car? Would you be willing to spend that much on a few Community College courses? How about a conference where you can make contacts and potentially meet your future employer? No no. The real question is: how much money are you willing to gamble, in order to get your dream job? If that number is less than $1000, then you relegate yourself to mediocrity for the rest of your life. It doesn’t have to be about money though, it’s also about time. If you want to be a painter, would you be willing to pay yourself a salary of $8.50 an hour to paint every day? If not, why would anyone else do pay you to do it?

Work hard. Want it. Invest. Get results. Repeat.