I read the book 1984 once when I was a vitriolic teen and now I’ve finish it again as a cynical, old, shriveled up adult. I remember being so fired up about the book the first time. I was shook! How could this have happened in real life after a guy warned us about it?Continue reading “Book review: “1984” by George Orwell”
Author Archives: Tucson Richelson
My Stock Portfolio Performance 2024
I did extremely well in the stock market this year. My line is the purple one, 2nd from the top on the right. NASDAQ beat me, but I beat the S&P 500 and DOW. How did I do so well? I don’t really know. Mostly I invested in an ETF called ESGV, which is aContinue reading “My Stock Portfolio Performance 2024”
Summary of “How To Drive a Nuclear Reactor”
I just finished a marvelous book called “How To Drive a Nuclear Reactor” by Colin Tucker. It’s about the engineering inside nuclear power plants and some operator duties. It’s a very good explanation in plain English. There were a few typos which was jarring, but forgivable. I suppose that’s what happens when you let anContinue reading “Summary of “How To Drive a Nuclear Reactor””
The fastest way to need a change of shorts in Vietnam
I’m writing this from Vietnam. I keep waffling between writing one mega post, and writing several mini posts. On the one hand, there’s so much I want to say! On the other hand, I keep waiting for the perfect time to write it all, and it never comes. I’ve decided on a mini post toContinue reading “The fastest way to need a change of shorts in Vietnam”
Global Weather Change
A good conspiracy theory strings together disparate bits of information into an obvious conclusion. This is an anti-conspiracy theory. This is more of a Jackson Pollock than a Da Vinci. I invite you to appreciate these bits and see if there’s a painting in there. It took me a long time to believe in “ClimateContinue reading “Global Weather Change”
You like apps? How ya like this app?
I finished making an app. It was a joyfully painful experience. The best part was the programming. The worst part was the publishing. I chose to use a language called Dart and a “framework” called Flutter. I don’t know what a framework is. All I know is that Flutter’s selling point is that I canContinue reading “You like apps? How ya like this app?”
Lord Richelson
I just finished “Every Landlord’s Tax Deduction Guide” by Stephen Fishman of the Nolo publishing company. This was the Idiot’s Guide to Cover Your Assets. Let me share the best lessons. Chapter 1 Income The government is gracious enough to only take money out of your pocket. By that I mean, if you charge someoneContinue reading “Lord Richelson”
Poker, The Stock Market, And the Greatest Con of All Time
I figured out the stock market. It’s all one big theater play. One big con. In order to explain, I’d like to go on a wide tangent about the game of No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em. It’s relevant. I promise. Believe me? Mmmm excellent. No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em The rules of poker are deceptivelyContinue reading “Poker, The Stock Market, And the Greatest Con of All Time”
The Genius of “How the World Works” by Bo Burnham
Bo Burnham has a new album/ Netflix show out. One song, “How the World Works,” has stuck out to me because of its depth. Every time I listen to it, I get a new layer of meaning. 1st listen It starts off with a simplistic childrens’ tune and lyric about how the world works. ItContinue reading “The Genius of “How the World Works” by Bo Burnham”
Hold up, Multi-arm Bandits?
In my vast expeditions into the depths of Wikipedia, I stumbled on the idea of Multi-arm Bandits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-armed_bandit It taught me everything I need to know about how to make better decisions in the face of uncertainty. One-arm Bandits, otherwise known as slot machines, have negative expected value. If you take the sum of eachContinue reading “Hold up, Multi-arm Bandits?”
Body Back-Up Blues [short fiction]
I woke up and scratched my tuchus. I noticed I wasn’t wearing any underwear. I was in my all-together. Nature’s own. Where were my silk boxers? Why does this hotel room look like a Holiday Inn and not the Ritz-Carlton? I would never stay in a Holiday Inn, even if I was desperate. I threwContinue reading “Body Back-Up Blues [short fiction]”
Iocane Powder, The Stock Market, and the Meaning of Life
I’ve decided to include “The Meaning of Life” in the title of every blog post from now on. Honestly, what’s the point of life if you’re not going to discuss the meaning of life? Iocane Powder There’s a scene in the movie “The Princess Bride” where the protagonist, Wesley, offers his foe, Vizzini, a battleContinue reading “Iocane Powder, The Stock Market, and the Meaning of Life”
Drugs, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life
I’m sure we’ve all had points in our lives where we said, “I have a beautiful house, a beautiful wife, a fast car, a job that doesn’t make me hate myself…” or “I have a million dollars, but no friends…” or “I’m rich and famous, but I have no money…” “… why am I notContinue reading “Drugs, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life”
Autocracy and Autonomy [short fiction]
Betty devoured another jerky strip. It was the fourth and comprised the remainder of her meal. She felt hollow. Hungry, of course. Always hungry. But there were days when she did well in the Arena and was rewarded amply with jerky strips. On those days, when she gorged herself, her gums felt raw, her teethContinue reading “Autocracy and Autonomy [short fiction]”
Kids These Days Don’t Want to Work (Duh)
Kids these days, I tell ya. They just don’t want to work. I hear it all the time for the older generation in my office. I can’t help but think, “Yeah, duh!” We’re more affluent The older generation has worked really hard. I can only assume it’s because they wanted to create a better worldContinue reading “Kids These Days Don’t Want to Work (Duh)”
How to pay 0% taxes (in retirement)
I just finished a book called, “The Power of Zero,” by David McKnight. I liked what it had to say and I want to share the highlights here. Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, nor is David McKnight. I am not liable for anything. There are three “buckets,” or places to stash your nest egg. Continue reading “How to pay 0% taxes (in retirement)”
Bubbles and Cults
My grandmother’s meatloaf I’ve achieved a form of Nirvana. I feel like I finally discovered what my grandmother’s meatloaf was missing. It finally clicked. The thing that causes stock market bubbles is the same thing that causes people to join cults. Bubbles To illustrate what I’m talking about, let me spell out the five stagesContinue reading “Bubbles and Cults”
Aaaaaand we’re back
Welcome back to another exciting episode of, “What the hell is going on (in Tucson’s life)?” Today we have: NaNoWriMo Post Mortem, I’ve Changed My Mind (and So Should You), and What the Hell is Going to Happen Next NaNoWriMo Post Mortem I WON! I WON! I wrote 50,000 words in 30 days. There’s aContinue reading “Aaaaaand we’re back”