Sheep In Wolves’ Clothing

*Spoilers for Harry Potter 7*

In the Harry Potter series, Harry and friends are constantly thwarted by literal and figurative rats. Double agents have infiltrated the Harry Potter support group. All of these rats are from the Slytherin house because everyone from the other houses feels that misrepresentation is icky. It’s like wearing a mask. For people who have a poor concept of their identity, it’s sometimes confusing trying to remember which team you’re playing for. It can be hard to keep the dual identities separate. Also, misrepresenting oneself can feel a lot like lying.

I say, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. At the very least embrace your Slytherin friends who do employ such tactics. Being transparent is a component of respect that your friends deserve, but your enemies do not. Lying to your friends is a crime. Lying to your enemies is a virtue. If you can thwart them non-violently, you forgo the risk of confrontation. If it wasn’t for Snape and his triple agenting, Harry and all of his friends would have died. All of the wizarding world, and perhaps the muggle world would have fallen at the hands of an evil dictator, Voldemort.

Keep your friends close. Keep your Slytherin friends closer.