I previously wrote a fable about a grasshopper who cared only about self improvement, and cared not at all for politics. It had a happy ending. I’ve decided to change that… read on at your own risk. One week into winter, the grasshopper was relaxing next to it’sContinue reading “The Grasshopper and the Ant – retold (alternative ending)”
Tag Archives: identity
The Grasshopper and the Ant – retold
In a field one Spring day, a grasshopper was planting seeds for Summer. It was a happy grasshopper. It kept a song humming all day long. The work wasn’t very engaging, but it didn’t need to be. Along came an ant. The ant said to the grasshopper, “Why don’t you join me? We are about toContinue reading “The Grasshopper and the Ant – retold”
Don’t give up, we’re just getting started.
Everyone has a part to play in the revolution. No one is exempt. This is a full contact spectator sport. There are no “civilians” or “Non-combatants”. Telling yourself that you have chosen to not participate, is a form of participation. This is highlighted in the book trilogy the Hunger Games. Katniss leads the revolution, butContinue reading “Don’t give up, we’re just getting started.”
Cringing, crying, and laughing for my past self
When I was in high school, I took 2 years of video production. I loved every minute of it. I finally had an outlet for all of my crazy ideas. The empowerment that comes from expression has a huge positive impact on my self esteem. I probably published about 15 short films in the courseContinue reading “Cringing, crying, and laughing for my past self”
The killer App that my life revolves around
There’s one app that my life depends on. No, it’s not Pokemon Go. It’s my alarm clock. I’ve noticed that everybody wants to look successful, but no one wants to be successful. It’s lonely at the top. Everyone downloads the app that works for everyone else. The only technique that they know is mimicry. IfContinue reading “The killer App that my life revolves around”
How to save time and money by going disposable
I’ve been asked, “When something breaks, why do we buy a new one instead of repairing it?” It’s a universal problem. People who tend to care about the poor and the environment, mention Walmart as the biggest perpetrator of this culture. People who tend to care about American manufacturing and imports, mention Harbor Freight asContinue reading “How to save time and money by going disposable”
Sign on the dotted line forever
What does commitment mean? There’s 2 kinds of commitment. The first kind is just words. The second kind is “stake” or wager. The first kind is where you sign on the dotted line. This is the easy kind. Talk is cheap as they say. Humans are pretty bad about understanding consequences and accurately foreseeing theContinue reading “Sign on the dotted line forever”
What does libertarianism got to do with entrepreneurship?
When I tell people I want to change the world, they say “That’s great, but how?” Here’s the answer: Product Design. I’ll admit, it’s a bit of a stretch. Here’s how I think about it. My goal is to change the world by filling it with libertarians. One approach is to spend hours upon hoursContinue reading “What does libertarianism got to do with entrepreneurship?”